9 Fun Ways to Recognize CSRs During Customer Service Week

Author UnknownA person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.
When customer service representatives (CSRs) take pride in their work, customers take notice in a big way.
That’s particularly important when you consider that:
96% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service.
68% of consumers will pay more for products and services from a company with a strong record of good customer service.
In the U.S., the estimated cost of customers switching due to poor service is $1.6 Trillion.
National Customer Service Week (which takes place the first full week in October) is the natural time to remind your customer service representatives that they play an integral role in the long-term success of your company.
Since 1992, the five-day event has celebrated not only the importance of customer service but also the people who serve and support customers on a daily basis.
Below we’ve included 9 ways to celebrate National Customer Service Week. Your CSRs deserve it!
1. Treat CSRs to breakfast
Want happier customer service reps? Feed them! According to Inc.com, 60% of workers say that having food at the office makes them feel more valued and appreciated. Something as simple as a bagel, donut, breakfast sandwich, coffee or juice can go a long way in boosting morale.
2. Motivate staff from the top
Get your entire company excited about National Customer Service Week with a personalized card and message from your company’s CEO, president, upper management, etc. Remind employees that their hard work doesn’t go unappreciated and that customer service is critical to the success of the business.
3. Play some games
Games are a wonderful way to de-stress CSRs and make them more productive. Whether you’re playing Jenga, trivia, office Olympics, “Name That Tune” or Minute-to-Win-It, games are perfect for bolstering employee engagement. (Get a list of game ideas in the workplace.)
4. Have a “dress up” or “dress down” day
If your company’s dress code is usually more on the business side, ditch it for at least one day. Allow employees to wear jeans, sneakers, polos or any other casual clothing within reason. If your company already implements a casual dress code, encourage employees to dress up as if they are going to a big, fancy event.
5. Host theme days with relevant outfits
A fun way to bring smiles to the workplace is to have a dress-up day that involves a specific theme for employees. A few theme ideas to get you started: Sports Team Day, ’80s Day, Pajama Day, Ugly Sweater Day, Hat Day, Super Hero Day, Band T-shirt Day.
6. Recognize your service team for their hard work
Nearly fifty percent of employees believe being thanked by managers not only improves their relationship but also builds trust with their higher-ups. Want to make your staff feel valued? Simply show it! Let one of our personalized greeting cards help.
7. Take part in a charitable activity
Studies show that many employees want to work for companies that care. Whether it’s organizing a canned food drive or fundraising for a good cause, taking part in a charitable event is great for building team unity during Customer Service Week.
8. Empower customer service reps with a new tool
A company’s success relies on both good employees and loyal customers. Sure, you might already do it around the holidays—but show your gratitude to customers when they least expect it.
Hallmark Business Connections offers a great tool for customer service reps that allows them to send a Hallmark card directly to the people that they service with just a few clicks online. For example, if an insurance call center took a call about a tree falling on someone’s house, they are able to send a “hang in there” card quickly and with ease. It’s customer service at its finest. And it empowers CSRs while also making their jobs more enjoyable and helping them make a difference every day. To learn more about this valuable customer service tool, click here.
9. End the final day on a high note
On the fifth and final day of National Customer Service Week, thank every employee who took part in the event and made it a success. Celebrate the final day by giving out awards, certificates or prizes. Consider rewarding your customer service reps by adding a gift card to a greeting card.
Let Hallmark Business Connections help your company celebrate National Customer Service Week.
With products and tools designed to integrate securely and seamlessly, Hallmark Business Connections makes recognizing employees and customers incredibly easy using our end-to-end services to amplify your customer experience, from integrated technology to production management, from on-demand reporting to training and support. Ready to learn more? Get in touch with us today.
In this Article
1. Treat CSRs to breakfast
2. Motivate staff from the top
3. Play some games
4. Have a “dress up” or “dress down” day
5. Host theme days with relevant outfits
6. Recognize your service team for their hard work
7. Take part in a charitable activity
8. Empower customer service reps with a new tool
9. End the final day on a high note
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