Valentine's Appreciation Cards

Valentine's Day 2025 is Friday, February 14

10 Results
10 Results

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$1.88 | As low as $1.15

Other Appreciation Cards

I was really amazed because you all sent me a Valentine card. I appreciated the card so much because it was the only one I got. I wasn’t expecting it!

Card Recipient

Valentine on Computer ARTICLE HERO IMAGE

Make it a Happy Valentine’s Day: Three Tips to Help You Connect and Grow your Professional Relationships

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that businesses should embrace. Why? It’s the perfect opportunity to create an unexpected, empowering customer experience that helps with the bottom line, too.
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1HBC9887 Donuts Card ARTICLE HERO IMAGE 23-537

Marketing Ideas You'll Love for Valentine's Day Customer Appreciation

While corporate holiday cards send a message of holiday cheer to your customers, it’s often tough to break through the noise of such a busy season. Cue Valentine's Day. February 14 is another great option for celebrating and strengthening your business relationships.
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Valentine's Day Card Messages for your Customers

Valentine’s Day and customer appreciation go hand in hand. By recognizing your customers during this often-overlooked holiday, you can surprise and delight your customers.
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Everything You Need to Know About Business Valentine's Day Cards

Are Valentine’s Day tactics appropriate for the workplace?

Yes! This holiday is all about showing appreciation for those you care about. Who could be more important to your business than your customers, clients and employees? Plus, when Valentine’s cards or gifts come from your entire team, rather than one individual, it helps the recipient see how important they are to your whole company.

How can my office celebrate Valentine’s Day in a professional way?

The key is focusing your message on appreciation. On Valentine’s Day you can remind customers “we love having you as a customer” or “getting to serve customers like you makes work sweeter.” In valentines for employees, convey gratitude for your staff and their great work or express how much you enjoy working with them.

Another option is to send an appreciation message with no mention of Valentine’s Day, but with a design that is appropriate for February. For some companies, not mentioning Valentine’s Day directly is what makes this feel right.

It seems like I just sent holiday cards in December. Why would I send another card in February?

Celebrating Valentine’s Day at your company can be perfectly timed to drive incremental sales in the first quarter. It’s not the best weather for much of the country and the New Year was six weeks earlier, but you still need to drive new business and customer referrals. Showing customers a bit of love is a fun—and effective—way to build relationships.

You can also boost team morale by encouraging people to write valentines for coworkers that compliment great work. This will prompt everyone to pause and reflect on who around the office deserves some applause and keep the focus on Valentine’s Day staff appreciation, rather than romantic love.

Is it true that a Valentine's Day card from a company is the only card some people receive?

Yes, it’s true. We hear it all the time. For individuals living alone or with forgetful spouses, boyfriends and girlfriends, they are thrilled to get a Valentine’s Day card from a business. Even more compelling, for the lonely and elderly suffering from depression and isolation, your Valentine’s Day card can make a real difference to them and their mental health. In return, it will make a meaningful difference in your business relationship.