Valentine's Day Card Messages for your Customers

It’s easy for a business to say, “We love our customers!”
But do your customers really know it? Do they feel it?
Many companies send corporate holiday cards during December and January. This is an ideal time to wrap up the year or celebrate a new one with customers, but sometimes, it can be tough to break through the other holiday mail clutter.
Cue Valentine's Day. February 14 is an opportune time to celebrate and strengthen more than just your romantic relationships—it’s a great time to honor your business relationships, too. Valentine’s Day and customer appreciation go hand-in-hand. By recognizing your customers during this often-overlooked holiday, you can create a happier, more loyal customer base.
Card RecipientI was really amazed because you all sent me a Valentine card. I appreciated the card so much because it was the only one I got. I wasn’t expecting it!
By showing your appreciation with a Valentine's Day card, you'll outshine your competitors and be thought of as the company that cares. Plus, it's the perfect time to give your brand visibility when others might not be trying. And the bonus of sending this greeting card is that, unlike other mail, a Hallmark card always gets opened.
Selecting A Professional Valentine's Day Card
There are a lot of Valentine's Day cards out there-but almost all of them are not work appropriate. Hallmark Business Connections specializes in designing and writing cards for your business needs-and that includes the hard-to-find professional Valentine's Day.
Our Valentine's Day cards are always appropriate for work and include messages of customer appreciation.
If sending a Valentine’s Day card still doesn’t “feel” right, that doesn’t mean you should disregard sending appreciation on February 14. Instead, opt to send customer appreciation cards. They’re just as warm, inviting and professional, but don’t include the reds, pinks and hearts that our corporate Valentine’s Day cards do.
Valentine's Day Card Writing Tips
There's a fine line between a professional Valentine's Day card message and one that's a little "too friendly." Follow our quick tips below to help craft the perfect Valentine's Day message for your clients.
Tie it back to customer appreciation: In order for your Valentine’s Day card to make sense to the recipient, tie your message back to It’s the most natural way to celebrate Valentine’s Day together.
Signing a Professional Valentine’s Day card: When signing your card, use a name for a more personal touch. Something such as “Joe Smith and your friends at XYZ,” which has a warmer tone than just a logo or company name.
Include a special offer or discount: Sometimes, simply sending a “Happy Valentine’s Day message” is enough. Other times, you’ll want to include a special offer or reason to reconnect. Consider including a special offer code that reminds customers how much you love their business.
Be genuine.
Be authentic: The easiest way to do so is with a Hallmark card!
What to Say on Professional Valentine's Day Cards
Personalizing your Valentine’s cards with your own words can be a daunting task. But we’re here to help. We asked our Hallmark writers to come up with messages that are both warm and professional. Take a look at our professional Valentine’s Day messages for your customers below.
Valentine's Day Messages That Show Appreciation & Thanks
Today is Valentine’s Day—a great reason for letting you know how much (COMPANY NAME) appreciates you. Enjoy the day!
Just wanted to let you know how much we value you as a customer. Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us!
We couldn’t let Valentine’s Day pass by without thanking you for being such a great customer. We appreciate you and your business.
Valentine's Day Messages That Compliment Your Customer
It’s great to do business with someone as nice as you, and today seemed like the perfect day to let you know. Happy Valentine’s Day from us to you.
We love what we do because of customers like you. Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day.
You’re one special customer. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentine's Day Wishes for Customers
Warm wishes for a happy Valentine’s Day. We hope you celebrate it by doing all the things you love.
Hope your day is filled with family, friends and happy moments that become favorite memories.
Wishing you everything that makes you happiest, today and always. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentine's Day Cards for Business
Ready to send Valentine’s Day cards to your customers? Check out the selections from Hallmark Business Connections. Our Valentine's Day cards can be personalized to fit your company's style, voice and brand. Not sure about sending V-day cards? Try browsing our customer appreciation cards instead.
And just remember-every customer deserves a little love whether it's on Valentine's Day or not.
In this Article
Selecting A Professional Valentine's Day Card
Valentine's Day Card Writing Tips
Valentine's Day Messages That Show Appreciation & Thanks
Valentine's Day Messages That Compliment Your Customer
Valentine's Day Wishes for Customers
Valentine's Day Cards for Business
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